Baby fever

Not really, more, Baby has a fever.

Yesterday was Gunnis birthday and we had for the first time arrange that Tora would sleep over at her grandmothers. Well this little cookie is smart, or nature is, anyways Tora wakes up from her afternoon nap with a sky high fever. It was just perfect timing, I cancelled the sleep over and we only went for dinner with his football team and then home again. Today is a very slow day, pancakes and tv.


DYI Baby geometrical Mobile

Here comes a great DYI! I made Toras baby mobile and I think its a fun and cute thing to create yourself. The one I made was with Japanese Origami birds in different colored paper but this is the latest, to make geometrical shaped paper cubes. At this blog you have a step-by-step how to make it. Have fun 🙂


Homemade Baby foods


Popeye Mix: Blueberries + Apricot Slices + Raw Spinach.

Squash ‘n Grains: Roasted Butternut Squash + Cooked Quinoa + a pinch of kosher salt and cinnamon.

Sweet Pea Hummus: Frozen Peas (thawed) + Tahini + squeeze of Lemon Juice + pinch of Salt & Cumin.

White Bean Purée: White Beans (from a can, rinsed & drained) + Lemon Juice + a few leaves Italian Parsley + Olive Oil + pinch of Salt & Black Pepper.

Tropical Avocado Pudding: Banana + Avocado + Pineapple + Whole Milk Plain Yogurt.

Figgy Pudding: Chopped Figs + Roasted Pears (peel first) + Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice + a touch of maple syrup.

Green Machine: Kale + Peach Slices (peeled) + Whole Milk Plain Yogurt + a squeeze of agave.

Just Beet It: Roasted Beets + Cooked Farro + Goat Milk Yogurt + a pinch of salt & squeeze of agave.

Reblog – Morning boost



My morning boost, every morning.
I always have frozen fruits and berries at home then it is so easy and fast to make a smoothie.
Today I used mango, strawberries, blueberries,  spinach,  banana,  Skyir (kvarg) and Goji powder.

Mini Rodini SS14 Arrival

Yaaaaaahy! !
Mini Rodini got dropped off at my house this morning,  I have been looking forward to this day. This is true material love!  Beautiful, well designed, organic Mini Rodini.
Now I have a couple of hours to calculate and post the products,  hopefully they will be available in the shop later today 😉


